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Nanoleaf & The Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)—Working To Break The Stigma Around Mental Health

2022 is the year of self-care! In recent years, we’ve seen an uptake in conversations around the importance of taking care of one’s mental health (especially during the pandemic). Everyone’s relationship with mental health and illness is different, which is why it’s crucial to have open dialog and share our experiences. In this article, you’ll learn more about:

  • • The Mental Health Landscape in Canada
  • • The Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and what resources they provide to help
  • • How Nanoleaf is supporting CAMH to fight the mental health stigma
  • • Different ways you can use lighting to help improve mental health

Ready to begin?

Canadians & Mental Health

  • Mental illness can really affect anyone and at any time:
  • • Currently, 450 million people are affected by mental illness globally, with 6.7 million of those people being Canadians.
  • • 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health problem or illness in any given year
  • • 1 in 20 Canadians will have or have had a mental illness by the time they reach the age of 40.

Mental health is a pressing concern in Canada and the pandemic has made it even more urgent. Read more about the facts here

Nanoleaf Shapes in positive mental health space

Who Is CAMH?

Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centers in its field. They currently have a dedicated staff of 3,000 physicians, clinicians, researchers, educators, and support staff, and provide support to over 34,000 patients through various combined efforts each year.

  • CAMH also has a foundation with the goal of driving change for mental health. With the help of its supporters CAMH can:
  • • Advance discovery and innovation
  • • Build spaces that promote recovery
  • • Break down the stigma of mental illness

Here are more tools you can use to drive change today with CAMH.

Learn More At These Resources

  • Public Health Information
  • Knowledge is power! Having access to trusted information around mental illness and addiction goes a long way in debunking myths and dispelling stigma. Whether it be for yourself or a loved one, understanding these issues is a crucial step on the road to recovery.
  • Help & Resources
  • CAMH offers several specialized services and tools (including a list of 24-hour helplines) for those in crisis or for those who just need someone to talk to—from patients to families, friends, and health care professionals. Learn more about how to access CAMH, and the various crisis and educational resources available.

Nanoleaf’s Mental Health Mission

As a company, Nanoleaf strongly believes in the importance of taking care of your mental health. We are dedicated to opening up the conversations on mental health awareness and investing in accessible care for both our team members and community members alike.

Nanoleaf essentials with circadian lighting in positive space

As part of our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), team members have access to one-on-one virtual counseling through an online platform with certified therapists and coaches. They are encouraged to use this resource to find effective and accessible support, allowing them to find comfort in their personal and work lives. 

Supporting CAMH allows us to have a positive impact on the wider community and give back with our resources. We’re excited to continue collaborating and share what’s to come, read more in the next section!

How Is Nanoleaf Supporting CAMH?

Nanoleaf is supporting CAMH in their mission to support people affected by mental illness and addictions.

To help break the stigma and support important conversations about mental health, from March 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022 Nanoleaf will be raising funds for CAMH (with a donation button added at checkout) and pledges to match the total amount donated by our community in order to help fund life-saving mental health research at CAMH. 

Nanoleaf Elements in positive mental health space

Mental health and addiction issues can affect anyone, at any point in their lives. We believe in supporting each other through open and honest conversations. Through our products and by supporting CAMH, we hope to instill a bit of joy into everyday life. 

CAMH Sunrise Challenge

Nanoleaf is also supporting CAMH on their 2022 Sunrise Challenge:

• From May 30, 2022 to June 3, 2022 individuals or teams (i.e. workplace or community teams) will raise money to reach a personal fundraising goal in support of mental health research and suicide prevention initiatives.

• During these 5 days, participants will also be asked to wake up early each day and do something good for their mental health. This “Sunrise Moment” should be shared to each participant’s social media, showing the people in their network that together we can rise another day in hopes for a better tomorrow.

• Register before the Early Bird Deadline on Friday, April 22 to kick start your fundraising and, you’ll have a chance to win 1 of 3 of Nanoleaf Elements Smarter Kits!

• At the end of the challenge, there will be a virtual celebration in support of a better tomorrow. Plus, there will be another chance to win some wonderful prizes, including Nanoleaf lights—tomorrow really is brighter.

Through our products and partnerships like this, we’re dedicated to creating positive change. We’ve seen the direct impact of how sunlight and lighting can positively affect health, helping to improve our energy levels and overall mood. The right kind of lighting can mimic natural sunlight and assist in regulating your body’s natural circadian rhythm which is proven to have a positive effect on your mind and body. And this is just the beginning of Nanoleaf’s support with CAMH! We have lots more planned for this year. Stay tuned for more details coming soon. 👀 

Nanoleaf Lines in positive mental health space

What are some other ways you’d like to see Nanoleaf work with CAMH and similar organizations? Share your ideas with us! Also find us on Instagram @Nanoleaf, Twitter @Nanoleaf, or Facebook @theNanoleaf and join the Nanoleaf Community.

READ NEXT: Here’s How Interactive Lights Create A More Engaging Rehabilitative Therapy Experience (Curative Care Network’s Creative Solution With Nanoleaf)

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