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Multicolor Permanent Outdoor Light
Multicolor Permanent Outdoor Light
Multicolor Permanent Outdoor Light

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  • Descripción

    Light up your outdoors all year round with our Smart Multicolor Permanent Outdoor Lights. These LED lights are crafted for durability and seamlessly blend into your home's exterior during the day. Come nightfall, transform your surroundings with vivid and vibrant lighting effects. Instal along eaves and soffits to enhance the aesthetic appeal and safety of your home. Included screws are required for reinforcement and permanent mounting. - 30 Addressable LED Pucks - 16+ Million Colours & Ultra Bright Tunable Whites - Use with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or Matter over Wi-Fi - Trimmable & Extendable Up to 147ft (45m) with Expansions - Control with Attached Controller, Nanoleaf App or through a Smart Home Ecosystem Requires a Matter compatible smart home hub and iOS/tvOS 16.5+ or Android OS 8.1+ to connect to a smart home ecosystem. NOTE
    We recommend working with a professional for installation. DIY installation is possible for users comfortable with exterior handywork.

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We think there might be a better match for your location and language :) You can set these below for local prices and the fastest delivery. Wir glauben, dass es für Ihren Standort und Ihre Sprache eine bessere Übereinstimmung geben könnte :) Diese können diese unten einstellen, um lokale Preise und die schnellste Lieferung zu erhalten. Nous pensons qu’il pourrait y avoir de meilleurs résultats correspondant à votre emplacement et à votre langue :) Vous pouvez les préciser ci-dessous pour avoir une idée sur les prix locaux et les meilleurs délais de livraison. Potrebbe esserci una corrispondenza migliore per la località e la lingua da te scelta :) Impostale qui sotto per i prezzi a livello locale e una consegna più rapida. お客様の地域や言語によりピッタリのウェブページをお選びください :)以下から、現地の価格や最短の配信をご設定いただけます。 귀하의 위치와 언어에 더 적합한 매치가 있으리라 생각합니다. 지역 금액 및 가장 빠른 배송을 위해 귀하는 위치와 언어를 아래에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 使用自己的位置和語言肯定更順手吧:)您可以在下方設定這些選項,並取得當地價格與最快的交付。

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