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Permanent Outdoor Lights User Manual


  • 1

    Puis-je couper la guirlande lumineuse à une longueur spécifique?

    Yes, you can cut the light string to your desired length by using a wire stripper (not included). We do not recommend cutting the last light string segment at the end of your setup. If you have to trim the last 5m segment of your layout, we suggest doing it from the side connected to the previous light string segment.

    Please make sure you disconnect the power supply before cutting your light string.

    NOTE: Cutting and joining of the wires should only be done by a qualified professional. Do NOT attempt to use a Splicer on the cabling for the Power Supply Unit or Controller. This will render your system inoperable and voids the warranty.

  • 2

    Combien de produits puis-je connecter ensemble ?

    Vous pouvez connecter jusqu'à 147ft (45m) à un contrôleur.

  • 3

    Combien de palets LED y a-t-il dans chaque segment de la guirlande lumineuse ?

    Nanoleaf Permanent Outdoor Lights come in 16.4ft (5m) light strings segments. Each 16.4ft (5m) segment contains 10 LED pucks. Within each puck, there are 3 Warm White LEDs, 3 Cool White LEDs, & 1 RGB LED.

    The 98.4ft (30m) Smarter Kit comes with six 16.4ft (5m) light strings, with a total of 60 LED pucks. The 15m Smarter Kit comes with three 16.4ft (5m) light strings, with a total of 30 LED pucks.
  • 4

    Puis-je utiliser uniquement le ruban de montage fourni pour installer la guirlande lumineuse ? Dois-je utiliser des vis ?

    The 3M tape provided is only meant for short term use, and to help make the setup process a little easier. You must use the included screws for reinforcement and permanent mounting.

    Our unique mounting method allows you to slide the light string and pucks on/off easily if you need to keep them up temporarily.

  • 5

    What surfaces can these lights be mounted on?

    Wood, Metal, Vinyl, Fibre Cement and Concrete.

  • 6

    les guirlandes sont-elles compatibles avec Matter, Wi-Fi ou Bluetooth ?

    You can control the Nanoleaf Permanent Outdoor Lights over Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or with Matter over Wi-Fi.

    You can connect your lights to the Nanoleaf App via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Connecting to a smart home ecosystem app on the other hand, will require Matter over Wi-Fi (you need a Matter compatible hub as well).

  • 7

    Can these Permanent Outdoor Lights only show a single colour at once?

    There are several types of Scenes for you to choose from! With the Nanoleaf App, you can choose from or create your own static single colour Scenes, animated multicoloured Scenes and/or Rhythm Scenes (reacts to sound & music).

    Even the default Scenes that you can access directly through the controller are a mix of static colour Scenes, animated Scenes and Rhythm Scenes.

  • 8

    How do I connect my device to a Smart Home Ecosystem app using Matter?

    To connect your Permanent Outdoor Lights to a smart home ecosystem like Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, or Samsung SmartThings, you will need the following:

    1. A Matter compatible hub that is already set up in your home.
    2. Latest software/firmware on all your devices.

    We recommend pairing with the Nanoleaf App first, and then following the instructions within the App to pair with a smart home ecosystem. Refer to the Pairing with Smart Home Ecosystems section for more details.

  • 9

    How do I control my lights with voice commands?

    To access voice commands, your lights must be connected to a smart home ecosystem using Matter. Once connected, you will be able to use common voice commands with your chosen voice assistant to control your lights. See the Voice Control section for more details.

  • 10

    Comment modifier les couleurs de mes lampes à l’aide du contrôleur?

    When your lights are on, you can cycle through the preset Scenes with a single press on the “>” button on the Controller.

    You can also cycle through a Warm White, Cool White, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow by doing a quick double press.

  • 11

    How do I create my own animated colour Scenes?

    Go to the Nanoleaf App Dashboard, and click on the device you’d like to create a new Scene for (this can later be shared with other Nanoleaf devices).

    Hit “Create Scene” to create your own single coloured, or dynamic (multiple colours and/or motion) Scene!

    You can also try out Magic Scenes for some AI magic – simply type in a phrase or word, and watch as a colour palette is automatically generated for you.

  • 12

    Can my lights react to music?

    Yes! You can find or create your own sound and music reactive Scenes on the Nanoleaf App (look for Scenes with a music note icon).

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