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Blocks User Manual


  • 1

    How are these different from Nanoleaf Shapes and Nanoleaf Canvas?

    Nanoleaf Blocks are different in a few ways:

    • Edge-to-edge evenly diffused lighting (Shapes have rounded corners and edges that do not light up, while Canvas has a slight pattern when light up)
    • No touch reactivity
    • Some components such as the Light Pegboard and Shelf must be screw mounted (most of our light panels can be adhesive mounted)
    • It goes beyond statement lighting and offers new accessories that offer storage/display functionality!
  • 2

    How are these different from Nanoleaf Skylight?

    The main difference is in the use case! Skylight is hardwired ceiling product which is AC powered, while Blocks is primarily a plug-in wall product.

  • 3

    Come si montano i blocchi Nanoleaf alla parete?

    È possibile montare Nanoleaf Blocks Squares, Small Squares e Textured Squares con il nastro biadesivo incluso su qualsiasi superficie liscia e piana.I blocchi Nanoleaf Light Pegboards & Shelves devono essere avvitati con le viti incluse.

    Note: Il nastro NON è adatto per installazioni a soffitto o per superfici strutturate, porose o popcorn ( carta da parati o pareti in mattoni). Poiché i blocchi Nanoleaf sono anche più pesanti e spessi, non consigliamo di montarli sul soffitto con del nastro adesivo.

  • 4

    Can I physically connect Nanoleaf Blocks with other Nanoleaf light panels?

    Nanoleaf Blocks can be connected to Nanoleaf Shapes & Elements in a layout as they share the same type of rigid linkers. Note: Nanoleaf Blocks & Shapes do not share the same type of flex linkers. You can only connect them together using rigid linkers.

  • 5

    I blocchi Nanoleaf sono reattivi al tatto?

    I blocchi Nanoleaf non sono reattivi al tatto.

  • 6

    Quanto peso possono sopportare i pannelli e gli scaffali?

    1.5kg for Shelves and 3kg for Pegboard.

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