当ウェブサイトは、お客様の体験をパーソナライズし、ウェブトラフィックデータを分析し、ウェブサイトのパフォーマンスを最適化するためにファーストパーティーとサードパーティーのCookieを使用しています。 Nanoleafが、お客様のデータを第三者に販売することはありません。 プライバシーポリシー。
We attach great importance to security issues and welcome all security researchers to report potential security vulnerabilities to us to improve the security of our products and services.
If you've discovered a security or privacy vulnerability, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Nanoleaf actively tries to identify and reduce potential vulnerabilities during the product's entire lifetime and in this effort, we value input on actual or potential vulnerabilities as that gives us a possibility to address these issues and protect connected product.
When reporting, please consider the following:
After submitting your report, our Technical team will evaluate your case and stay in touch with updates on its progress. We endeavor to respond to security reports within 1-2 weeks.
For further information on our product support policy, visit this page.
April 26, 2023
Nanoleaf firmware v7.1.1 and below is missing TLS verification, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code via a DNS hijacking attack. See Details
Release Note
Release Note
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