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EXPO Display Case User Manual

Physically setting up your EXPO Display Case


Components of a EXPO Display Case

Reference this image to identify the components you will need to assemble your EXPO Display Case.


Piecing together a display case

  • Place the bottom panel on the ground, with the criss cross side facing downwards. Insert a side panel into the grooves of the bottom panel. Press firmly until you hear a click.
  • Repeat with the second side panel.
  • Place the top panel above the two side panels, aligning the grooves.
  • Press down firmly until you hear a click.
  • Flip and turn the box upward so that the side with grooves visible along the entire inner perimeter is facing up.
  • Slot the back panel in at a 15 degree angle. Ensure the LEDs on the back panel align with the top panel.
  • Press down firmly until you hear a click to secure the piece into place.
  • Flip the box back to its previous position, with the bottom panel on the ground.
  • Connect the clear door piece by inserting it into the two small grooves at the bottom at 15 degree angle. Press firmly until the door piece clicks in.
  • Your EXPO Case has now been assembled! Repeat with other EXPO Cases.

Connecting multiple display cases together

  • Attach the power supply unit to one of your EXPO Cases.
  • Connect EXPO Cases together using the linkers provided. Be careful not to connect them at an angle as this may break the linkers.
  • Hold cases completely parallel to one another to slide in linker; do not hold cases at an angle or linker may snap.

Heads Up

The 42W Power Supply Unit (PSU) in your Smarter Kit can only power up to 8 EXPO Cases. If your layout is bigger than that, you’ll need to purchase additional PSUs.

75W Power Supply Unit

Powers up to 14 EXPO Display Cases

42W Power Supply Unit

Powers up to 8 EXPO Display Cases

To power bigger layouts, you have two main options:

  • Purchasing 75W PSUs to replace your 42W PSU.
  • Purchasing more 42W PSUs to supplement the PSU that comes in your Smarter Kit.
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