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Shapes 用戶手冊
Large Installations (22+ Panels)
Each standard 42W PSU supports up to 22 Hexagons (2W per panel), 28 Triangles (1.5W per panel) or 77 Mini Triangles (0.54W per panel). Each Controller supports up to 500 panels. Adjust Your Power Supplies for Optimal Performance.
如在 Shapes 設定中擁有超過 22 塊燈板及/或多個控制器,則應嘗試將燈具佈局的供電平均分配。 啟動電源診斷模式可為您提示電源的放置位置,以獲得最佳效能。
在您的控制器,同時按住調暗(-)和調亮(+)按鈕 5 秒鐘。
開啟 Nanoleaf App。
- 開啟更多功能表。
- 選擇「設定」>「警告」>「限定電力」
- 開啟側邊功能表
- 選擇「設定」>「警告」>「限定電力」
42W: One (1) 42W Power Supply Unit comes with any Nanoleaf Shapes Starter Kit.
75W: 為求最佳效能,請勿在同一個 Nanoleaf 設定中使用 42W 和 75W 電源。
您的佈局是否已備有足夠的電源 (PSU) ?
Each standard 42W PSU supports up to 22 Hexagons (2W per panel), 28 Triangles, or 77 Mini Triangles. Each Controller supports up to 500 of any shape. The Controller and PSU can be connected to any panel.
Each standard 42W PSU supports up to 22 Hexagons, 28 Triangles (1.5W per panel), or 77 Mini Triangles. Each Controller supports up to 500 of any shape. The Controller and PSU can be connected to any panel.
Each standard 42W PSU supports up to 22 Hexagons, 28 Triangles, or 77 Mini Triangles (0.54W per panel). Each Controller supports up to 500 of any shape. The Controller and PSU can be connected to any panel.