Order by Dec 16, 2024, to receive your Product for Dec 24, 2024
Bestellen Sie bis zum 16. Dezember 2024, um Ihr Geschenk bis zum 24. Dezember zu erhalten.
Commandez avant le 16 décembre 2024 pour recevoir votre produit pour le 24 décembre.
Order by Dec 16, 2024, to receive your Product for Dec 24, 2024
Bestellen Sie bis zum 16. Dezember 2024, um Ihr Geschenk bis zum 24. Dezember zu erhalten.
Commandez avant le 16 décembre 2024 pour recevoir votre produit pour le 24 décembre.
Smarter Partners leverage Nanoleaf's SmarterIQ technology to light up their own products, and take them to the next level.
Elevate your Nanoleaf product experience with our OpenAPI. Effortlessly integrate your setup with third-party devices and services, empowering you with unparalleled control over your hardware.
**Support for the above may vary by product.
Explore 7 powerful treatment modes to tackle wrinkles, clear acne, even out skin tone and more—all in one device.
Entdecken Sie 7 Behandlungsmodi, um Falten zu reduzieren, Akne zu behandeln, den Hautton zu vereinheitlichen und vieles mehr — für eine vollständige Hautpflegeroutine.
Explorez 7 modes de traitement pour réduire les rides, traiter l'acné, uniformiser le teint et bien plus —pour une routine de soin complète
Enhance your space with the ambient glow of our Smart Floor Lamp. Its sleek, minimal design integrates effortlessly into any room, providing the ideal ambient lighting.
Schaffen Sie Atmosphäre mit dem sanften Licht unserer smarten Stehleuchte. Ihr minimalistisches Design passt perfekt in jeden Raum.
Sublimez votre espace avec notre nouveau lamapadaire connecté. Son design élégant et minimaliste s’intègre harmonieusement à tout espace, pour une expérience d'éclairage unique.
Build your lighting display YOUR way with Nanoleaf Blocks! Create your one-of-a-kind illuminated display with different panel styles and add-ons.
Entwerfen Sie Ihr Leucht-Display auf IHRE Art mit den Nanoleaf Blocks! Erstellen Sie Ihr einzigartiges beleuchtetes Display mit verschiedenen Paneelstilen und Add-ons.
Personnalisez votre éclairage avec les Nanoleaf Blocks! Créez votre design en assemblant différents panneaux pour une expérience d'éclairage unique.
用 Nanoleaf Blocks 打造你的個人照明展示!透過不同的面板風格和配件,創造獨一無二的照明展示。
나만의 방식으로 Nanoleaf Blocks로 조명 디스플레이를 만들어보세요! 다양한 패널 스타일과 부가품으로 독특한 조명 디스플레이를 만들어보세요.
You saw it here first. Get your hands on our latest and greatest smart lights.
Smart LED lights with unique features that enhance your gaming, living room, and bedroom setup.
Intelligente LED Panels mit einzigartigen Featuren , die Ihr Gaming-, Wohn- und Schlafzimmer-Setup verschönern.
Des lumières LED intelligentes avec des fonctionalités uniques qui améliorent votre configuration Gaming, votre salon et votre chambre à coucher.
LED 智能燈板具有獨特的功能,以增強你的遊戲室、客廳和臥室的佈置效果。
Smart backlit LED light bars that deliver mesmerising RGB illumination with flowing colour animations.
Intelligente, hinterbeleuchtete LED-Lichtleisten mit fließenden Farb- und Berührungsanimationen.
Barres lumineuses LED rétroéclairées intelligentes qui offrent un éclairage RGB époustouflant et des animations de couleurs fluides.
LED 智能背光燈條,帶給令人驚嘆的 RGB 照明效果和流動的彩色動畫。
Sync these backlit LED light bars with the colours on your screen and experience mesmerising RGB lighting effects.
Customise flowing colour animations and more!
Synchronisieren Sie diese hinterbeleuchteten LED-Lichtleisten mit den Farben Ihres PC-Bildschirms und erleben Sie eine atemberaubende RGB-Beleuchtung.
Passen Sie Farbanimationen an und entdecken weitere spannende Funktionen!
Synchronisez ces barres lumineuses LED rétroéclairées intelligentes avec les couleurs de votre écran de PC et bénéficiez d'un éclairage RGB époustouflant.
Personnalisez les animations de couleurs et bien plus encore !
將 LED 背光燈條與屏幕上的顏色同步,體驗無與倫比的 RGB 照明燈效。
Mix & match these modular colour-changing light panels for complete design freedom. Create the right ambience for your mood and space.
Kombinieren Sie diese modularen, farbwechselnden Lichtpaneele und genießen Sie völlige Gestaltungsfreiheit. Schaffen Sie das perfekte Ambiente in Ihrem Innenraum.
Mélangez et combinez ces panneaux lumineux modulaires à couleur changeante pour une liberté de conception totale. Créez l'ambiance qui convient à votre humeur et à votre espace.
Mix & match these modular colour-changing light panels for complete design freedom.
The perfect lights for gaming, or for creating the right ambience for your mood and space
Kombinieren Sie diese modularen, farbwechselnden Lichtpaneele für völlige Gestaltungsfreiheit.
Sie eignen sich hervorragend als Gaming-Beleuchtung oder zur Erstellung des richtigen Ambientes in Ihrem Innenraum.
Mélangez et combinez ces panneaux lumineux modulaires à couleur changeante pour une liberté de conception totale.
Idéal comme lumières Gaming ou pour créer l'ambiance qui convient à votre humeur et à votre espace.
Take your entertainment beyond the screen.
Bringen Sie Home Entertainment über den Bildschrim hinaus.
Ampoules et bandes lumineuses intelligentes à couleurs changeantes pour votre quotidien.
Nanoleaf 4D is a screen mirror camera kit that syncs the colours on your screen onto the addressable gradient LED lightstrip mounted behind it.
Nanoleaf 4D ist ein Bildschirmspiegel-Kamera-Kit, das die Farben auf Ihrem Bildschirm mit dem dahinter montierten adressierbaren LED-Lichtstreifen synchronisiert.
Nanoleaf 4D est un kit de caméra Screen Mirror qui synchronise les couleurs de votre écran sur la bande lumineuse LED adressable et gradable.
Nanoleaf 4D is a screen mirror camera kit that syncs the colours on your screen onto the addressable gradient LED lightstrip mounted behind it.
Experience the ultra-immersive ″4D″ effect as the vibrant backlighting illuminates your space with the colours from your favourite shows, movies, and video games.
Nanoleaf 4D ist ein Bildschirmspiegel-Kamera-Kit, das die Farben auf Ihrem Bildschirm mit dem dahinter montierten adressierbaren LED-Lichtstreifen synchronisiert.
Erleben Sie den ultra-immersiven ″4D″-Effekt, wenn die lebendige Hintergrundbeleuchtung Ihren Raum mit den Farben Ihrer Lieblingssendungen, Filme und Videospiele erhellt.
Nanoleaf 4D est un kit de caméra Screen Mirror qui synchronise les couleurs de votre écran sur la bande lumineuse LED adressable et gradable.
Illuminez votre espace avec les couleurs de votre écran et vivez une expérience de divertissement immersive en "4D".
Colour-changing smart light bulbs and lightstrips for your everyday.
Farbwechselnde, intelligente Glühbirnen und Lichtleisten für Ihr tägliches Leben.
Ampoules et bandes lumineuses intelligentes à couleurs changeantes pour votre quotidien.
Make your home and your life a little brighter with features like Schedules, Circadian Lighting and Colour Scenes.
Nanoleaf Essentials vereinfachen Ihren Alltag mit Funktionen wie der Zeitschaltuhr, Circadian Lighting und den dynamischen Farb-Szenen.
Les Nanoleaf Essentials simplifient votre quotidien, grâce à des fonctionnalités telles que la programmation, l'éclairage circadien et les scènes dynamiques à couleurs changeantes.
透過自訂情景、晝夜節律照明和動態場景等功能,Nanoleaf Essentials 讓你的家居日常變得更方便和輕鬆。
Make your home a little brighter with features like Schedules, Circadian Lighting and Colour Scenes. Matter and Thread Enabled.
Nanoleaf Essentials vereinfachen Ihren Alltag mit Funktionen wie der Zeitschaltuhr, Circadian Lighting und den dynamischen Farb-Szenen.
Matter und Thread kompatibel.
Les Nanoleaf Essentials simplifient votre quotidien, grâce à des fonctionnalités telles que la programmation, l'éclairage circadien et des scènes dynamiques à couleurs changeantes.
Compatibles Matter et Thread.
Designed to look beautiful ON and OFF.
Schönstes Design, ein- und ausgeschaltet
Conçu pour être beaux allumés comme éteints
Enjoy dynamic glowing effects with these textured light panels that can react organically to touch and sound.
Genießen Sie dynamische Leuchteffekte, die natürlich auf Berührung und Geräusche reagieren.
Profitez d'effets lumineux dynamiques grâce à ces panneaux lumineux texturés qui réagissent au toucher et au son.
Nanoleaf Elements 是一款帶有木紋質感的燈板,能夠為你的家增添自然感,而不會影響燈板的操作。
Textured light panels with warm to cool white ambient lighting and dynamic glowing effects.
Add a natural feel to your home with lights that react organically to touch and sound.
Genießen Sie warm- bis kaltes Weißlicht und dynamische Lichteffekte mit den Nanoleaf Elements.
Bringen Sie einen natürlichen Touchin Ihr Zuhause, indem Sie sie so einstellen, dass sie organisch auf Berührung und Geräusche reagieren.
Profitez d'un éclairage d'ambiance de blancs chauds ou froids ainsi que d'effets lumineux dynamiques avec Nanoleaf Elements.
Ajoutez une touche naturelle à votre intérieur en réglant ces lumières de manière à ce qu'elles réagissent organiquement au toucher et au son.
Mention @nanoleaf on Instagram for a chance to have your look featured.
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Thank you for reviewing our products, your reviews and feedback are the driving force for us to make better products.
read more reviewsThis website uses first and third party cookies to personalise your experience, analyse web traffic data, and optimise performance. We never sell your data to third parties. Privacy Policy.
All data collected and processed is handled in accordance with our privacy policy. We do not sell your personal information to third parties, and collected data is anonymised and aggregated to cohorts wherever possible. "First Party" cookies refers to data usage on this website, and generally cannot be disabled without breaking core functionality. "Third Party" cookies refers to cookies which are stored in your browser and accessible by a third party vendor. Please see the appropriate tabs for more information.
We use Google Analytics to analyse aggregate behaviour on our website, with the goal of using these aggregated data sets to improve user experience, website performance, and relevance of the content that we publish. We do not use the user-id-session collection function, and do not analyse individual user sessions using Google Analytics. We do create remarketing lists with Google Analytics, which at aggregate are used to improve the relevance of paid advertising for users who have not opted out of data collection with Google (please see the "Data Vendors" tab for opt-out instructions). These lists cannot be used by Nanoleaf to personally identify you. On the European locales of our website, IP addresses are anonymised by local servers before data is processed by Google Analytics. Please note that anonymised data may be sent to these third countries : United States, Canada, Hong Kong.
Data is Anonymised : Yes
Data Storage Locations : France, Canada, United States, Hong Kong
Data Usage Purposes : Technical Analysis, Marketing
To disable the collection of data for processing with Google Analytics, you can instal the opt-out tool here
We use Google Optimise to analyse aggregate visitor preferences and help determine whether the content which we publish on our website is useful for visitors. This includes "A/B" and "Multivariant" tests of content and website design/layout. The information collected through this analysis is of an aggregate, anonymous nature (user-id-session is not collected).
Data is Anonymised : Yes
Data Storage Locations : France, Canada, United States, Hong Kong
Data Usage Purposes : Technical Analysis, Marketing
We use Google Ads to promote our products and services in various countries, including the United Kingdom and the member states of the European Union. Ad products which we utilise include AdWords (text and search), Display (banner), and various formats of video advertising units on YouTube. Google Ads is a subprocessor of aggregate data collected via Google Analytics and shared with Google Ads in an anonymised manner (user-id-session is not transmitted, since it is not collected). Ad personalization signals are disabled by default for users in the EU and UK. This prevents the use of remarketing and retargeting advertisements unless a visitor has opted in for this use.
Data is Anonymised : No
Data Storage Locations : Canada, United States, Hong Kong
Data Usage Purposes : Marketing
Google's privacy policy can be found here
We use Facebook Connect to record behavioural activity related to sales, and to improve the relevance of marketing and advertising to "look-alike cohorts". In practice, this means that an anomymous Facebook user-id is generated after the completion of a sale and sent to Facebook to attribute against a set of user data in their posession. At aggregate, this data is used to improve the targeting of advertising to visitors on Facebook, Instagram, and other properties owned by Meta (primarily by identifying "like" users on these platforms who may find the advertisements relevant).
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: United States
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing
Facebook's privacy policy can be found here
We use Twitter Connect to record certain behavioural actions on Twitter (for example, link clicks to our website) and analyse the associated behaviours on our website with the goal of improving the experience that visitors have, and determine which content is relevant. This data is aggregated and anonymous in nature, individual user sessions are not analysed and Nanoleaf cannot attribute this data to its own personally-identifiable data stored in user accounts for Nanoleaf services.
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: United States
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing
Twitter's privacy policy can be found here
We use Funnelytics to determine the success of marketing campaigns in aggregate, on narrowly-defined sets of website landing pages and purchase checkouts. This data is aggregated and anonymous in nature, and cannot be used by Nanoleaf to personally identify a visitor to our website.
Data is Anonymised: Yes
Data Storage Locations: Canada
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing
Funnelytics' privacy policy can be found here
We use Shopify to process purchases on our website in a PCI DSS compliant checkout environment which meets PSD2 requirements as required by law in the European Union. All payment transactions are processed in France, and are compliant with national law as well as the regulations proscribed by the European Commission. When you make a purchase on the Nanoleaf Shop, data essential to the processing and fulfilment of your purchase is shared with Shopify (the processor) and accessed by Nanoleaf as required to fulfil your order (the sub-processor). Purchase data is aggregated and processed by Nanoleaf for reporting purposes (these reports are not shared with other parties under any circumstances). Personally-identifiable information is used only to provide order fulfilment and customer service (either at your request, or proactively when we identify in advance service or logistics disruptions which may impact you). All data collected and stored on Shopify's servers is subject to the right to be forgotten, and you may request deletion of such data at any time by contacting us to initiate the request on your behalf. After a request has been initiated, Shopify will communicate with you directly solely in regards to the progress of your data deletion request. Please see the ""Data Vendors"" section for more information.
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: France, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam
Data Usage Purposes: Order Processing and Fulfilment
Please note that personally-identifiable information for EU and UK customers is stored in France, and may be sub-processed in Canada. This data is not stored in the other locations listed (rather, the data for customers in those regions is stored locally).
To submit a right to be forgotten request, please contact Nanoleaf Support
More information on how Shopify manages GDPR compliance and deletion requests is available here
We use Brevo to provide certain transactional and marketing-related email or SMS communications with your explicit permission (the opt-in mechanism required when signing up for a contact list on our website). At our direction, Breco facilitates the communication of commercial and non-commercial messages based on the permissions which you gave during the sign-up process. Some examples include limited-time promotions, general company news and updates, or product-specific news and updates related to devices which you have indicated that you own (or have purchased through the Nanoleaf Shop on our website). All data collected and stored on Brevo's servers is subject to the right to be forgotten, and you may request deletion of such data by contacting us. Personally-identifiable information is limited to your contact record, which only includes information which you have volunteered during the signup process (common data attributes are name, email address, country of domicile, language preference, and products owned).
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: France
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing, Non-Marketing Communications
To submit a right to be forgotten request, please contact Nanoleaf Support
More information on how Brevo manages GDPR compliance is available here
We use Gorgias to facilitate customer service, order support, and technical support interactions via LiveChat on our website, telephone (IP telephony), social media messaging, and email messaging. Personally-identifiable information is required to facilitate these interactions, which includes your email address and (optionally) your name and telephone number. Order reference numbers and device serial numbers are also commonly requested to facilitate such interactions, although these cannot be used in isolation to personally identify you. Gorgias stores your contact details and case history, which enables us to provide better (and more expedient) customer service in the future. You can request deletion of any case or your case history at any time by contacting us.
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: United States
Data Usage Purposes: Customer Service
To submit a right to be forgotten request, please contact Nanoleaf Support
More information on how Gorgias manages GDPR compliance is available here
We use Pinterest Ads to measure, report on and improve the performance of ads on Pinterest, or to figure out what kinds of ads to show customers on or off of Pinterest. This includes information about your visits to our site or purchases you made from us, or information about your interests from a third-party service, which we might use to help show you ads. You can control how we use this information to personalise your experience and the ads you see on Pinterest in your Privacy and Data Settings.
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: United States
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing
Pinterest's privacy policy can be found here
We use TikTok Ads to promote our products and services in various countries.TikTok shares information with advertisers and third-party measurement companies to show how many and which users of the Platform have viewed or clicked on an advertisement. If you use the TikTok Lite version of TikTok, information is shared with advertising networks to display personalised advertisements to you on the TikTok Lite app and elsewhere online. TikTok stores and processes data in accordance with their privacy policy.
Data is Anonymised: No
Data Storage Locations: United States and Canada
Data Usage Purposes: Marketing
TikTok's privacy policy can be found here
We think there might be a better match for your location and language :) You can set these below for local prices and the fastest delivery. Wir glauben, dass es für Ihren Standort und Ihre Sprache eine bessere Übereinstimmung geben könnte :) Diese können diese unten einstellen, um lokale Preise und die schnellste Lieferung zu erhalten. Nous pensons qu’il pourrait y avoir de meilleurs résultats correspondant à votre emplacement et à votre langue :) Vous pouvez les préciser ci-dessous pour avoir une idée sur les prix locaux et les meilleurs délais de livraison. Potrebbe esserci una corrispondenza migliore per la località e la lingua da te scelta :) Impostale qui sotto per i prezzi a livello locale e una consegna più rapida. お客様の地域や言語によりピッタリのウェブページをお選びください :)以下から、現地の価格や最短の配信をご設定いただけます。 귀하의 위치와 언어에 더 적합한 매치가 있으리라 생각합니다. 지역 금액 및 가장 빠른 배송을 위해 귀하는 위치와 언어를 아래에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 使用自己的位置和語言肯定更順手吧:)您可以在下方設定這些選項,並取得當地價格與最快的交付。