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Matter Holiday String Lights User Manual

Physical set up of your Holiday String Lights

Nanoleaf Holiday String Lights can be used indoors and outdoors. They are made up of two connected string segments with colour animations flowing along the extended length (from one string light segment to the next) in one continuous direction.


Directional Flow of Colour

Option A

Start from the middle of your tree. String one segment upwards, the other segment downwards, with the open ends of the string lights at the top and bottom of the tree.

Option B

Begin at the far end of one string light segment, and wrap in one direction before continuing on with the second segment in the same direction.

Directional Flow of Color

Avoid Your String Lights Cross Over One Another

String the lights closer together if needed so that the full length of your lights are utilized.

Avoid having your string lights loop back or cross over one another.

Avoid Your String Lights Cross Over One Another

Plug Into Power

Connect (1) & twist (2) the lights into the adapter. Plug into power.

Plug Into Power
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