Order by Dec 16, 2024, to receive your Product for Dec 24, 2024
Bestellen Sie bis zum 16. Dezember 2024, um Ihr Geschenk bis zum 24. Dezember zu erhalten.
Commandez avant le 16 décembre 2024 pour recevoir votre produit pour le 24 décembre.
La stringa di luci è classificata IP65, ovvero resistente alla polvere e all'acqua, ed è quindi adatta all'uso durante tutto l'anno! Il controller esterno è classificato IP67 e l'alimentatore IP44, quindi resistente all'acqua e alla polvere. Le nostre luci sono molto resistenti per l'esterno, ma non devono essere immerse o utilizzate in condizioni atmosferiche estreme come un'alluvione o una forte tempesta.
Choose from 16M+ colours, including warm and cool whites! You can display a single colour across your string lights, or multiple colours all at once.
Le nostre luci per esterni contengono LED RGB integrati che non possono essere sostituiti. Se si verificano problemi con alcune lampadine, contattateci per ricevere assistenza.
Sì, è possibile! È possibile acquistare un Expansion Pack di luci per esterni da aggiungere allo Starter Kit di luci per esterni. È possibile estendere la stringa di luci per esterni fino a un massimo di 45 metri. (147ft).
Common mounting methods include screws, S-hanger hooks, Q-hanger hooks and zipties. Select the method that best suits your space.
The Outdoor String Lights cannot be cut or made shorter, and attempting to do so will damage your product. If you want to customise your Outdoor String Lights by making it longer, you can purchase an Outdoor String Lights Expansion Pack to extend your product by 15m (49ft). You can extend your Outdoor String Lights up to a maximum of 45m (147ft).
È possibile controllare le luci per esterni Nanoleaf tramite Bluetooth, Wi-Fi o con Matter tramite Wi-Fi.
You can connect your lights to the Nanoleaf App via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. La connessione a un'app dell'ecosistema smart home avviene tramite Matter via Wi-Fi e richiede un hub compatibile con Matter.
There is also the option of using the easy access controller that is attached to your Outdoor String Lights for some quick actions.
There are several types of Scenes for you to choose from! With the Nanoleaf App, you can choose from or create your own static single colour Scenes, animated multicoloured Scenes and/or Rhythm Scenes (reacts to sound & music).
Even the default Scenes that you can access directly through the controller are a mix of static colour Scenes, animated Scenes and Rhythm Scenes.
To connect your Matter Outdoor String Lights to a smart home ecosystem like Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, or Samsung SmartThings, you will need the following:
1. A Matter compatible hub that is already set up in your home.
2. Latest software/firmware on all your devices.
We recommend pairing with the Nanoleaf App first, and then following the instructions within the App to pair with a smart home ecosystem. Refer to the Pairing with Smart Home Ecosystems section for more details.
To access voice commands, your lights must be connected to a smart home ecosystem using Matter. Once connected, you will be able to use common voice commands with your chosen voice assistant to control your lights. See the Voice Control section for more details.
When your lights are on, you can cycle through the preset Scenes with a single press on the button on the Controller.
You can also cycle through a Warm White, Cool White, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow by doing a quick double press.
Go to the Nanoleaf App Dashboard, and click on the device you’d like to create a new Scene for (this can later be shared with other Nanoleaf devices).
Hit “Create Scene” to create your own single coloured, or dynamic (multiple colours and/or motion) Scene!
You can also try out Magic Scenes for some AI magic – simply type in a phrase or word, and watch as a colour palette is automatically generated for you.
Yes! Two of the nine present Scenes are sound and music reactive. You can easily access this through the Controller.
You can also explore more Rhythm Scenes through the Nanoleaf App (look for Scenes with a music note icon) and create your music reactive Scenes!
We think there might be a better match for your location and language :) You can set these below for local prices and the fastest delivery. Wir glauben, dass es für Ihren Standort und Ihre Sprache eine bessere Übereinstimmung geben könnte :) Diese können diese unten einstellen, um lokale Preise und die schnellste Lieferung zu erhalten. Nous pensons qu’il pourrait y avoir de meilleurs résultats correspondant à votre emplacement et à votre langue :) Vous pouvez les préciser ci-dessous pour avoir une idée sur les prix locaux et les meilleurs délais de livraison. Potrebbe esserci una corrispondenza migliore per la località e la lingua da te scelta :) Impostale qui sotto per i prezzi a livello locale e una consegna più rapida. お客様の地域や言語によりピッタリのウェブページをお選びください :)以下から、現地の価格や最短の配信をご設定いただけます。 귀하의 위치와 언어에 더 적합한 매치가 있으리라 생각합니다. 지역 금액 및 가장 빠른 배송을 위해 귀하는 위치와 언어를 아래에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 使用自己的位置和語言肯定更順手吧:)您可以在下方設定這些選項,並取得當地價格與最快的交付。