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Nanoleaf 4D User Manual
Pairing & Setting Up Your Nanoleaf 4D for Android
Requires Android 9+, turn ON Bluetooth, and Google Play Services app version 22.48.14. Ensure your location settings are enabled on your device.
A QR code and/or a 8 digit code on your Quick Start Guide or on the back of the Controller.
2.4 GHZ Wi-Fi is required. 5 GHz networks are not compatible with Nanoleaf products.
The Controller is ready when all the LED lights on the Controller are solid white.
下載並開啟 Nanoleaf App
You can find the official Nanoleaf App in the Play Store. Make sure you have the latest version.
Pair Your Nanoleaf 4D
- 在儀錶板上,輕觸右上角的鉛筆圖示。
- 輕觸「Add Device +」(添加裝置 +)
- Scan the QR code or manually enter the 8 digit pairing code to start the pairing process
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete pairing
- Your Nanoleaf 4D should now be connected and ready for App setup
If you’d like your Nanoleaf 4D products to sync up with other Nanoleaf RGB lights, it’s important that you place them in the same room (both physically and on the app when assigning devices to rooms).
The Nanoleaf Sync+ feature virtually connects your lights within your 3D space to extend screen mirroring lighting effects across multiple Nanoleaf RGB devices.
Setting Up and Calibrating with the Nanoleaf App
Once pairing is complete, indicate whether your camera is set up above or below your TV screen or monitor.
Follow the instructions on the App to calibrate your Lightstrip and/or camera. You can always recalibrate your Nanoleaf 4D products by going to your 4D device settings and clicking on Calibration.
- 校準前拉上窗簾或關閉環境照明
- 倘攝影機安裝在頂部,則將其傾斜至較低角度,使其得以觀看整個螢幕
- 在校準時開啟電視機,使螢幕與邊框形成鮮明對比,因而更容易找到邊角
- 將所有校準點略為靠攏,遠離螢幕邊緣,以減少誤差空間
Enable Sync+ if you would like your screen mirroring to flow across multiple Nanoleaf RGB light products in the same room. See the “Enabling Sync+” section below for more detailed instructions.